This paper discusses positive therapeutic gains made with veterans whose primary treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was artifact corrected neurofeedback. Assessments completed after both 20 and 40 halfhour sessions of treatment identified significant improvements for both auditory and visual attention using the IVA2 and significant improvements in well-being based on the General Well-Being Scale (GWBS). It was discovered that neurofeedback impacted individuals’ overall auditory attention and IVA-2 global auditory test scores significantly improved after both 20 (p < .007, Cohen’s d = 0.5) and 40 training sessions (p < .0001, Cohen’s d = 0.8). Veterans were found to have significant enhancements in auditory vigilance (p < .03), processing speed (p < .0009) and focus (p < .01). The IVA-2 global measure of visual attention was also found to show significant improvements after 20 sessions (p < .004, Cohen’s d = 0.5) and after 40 sessions (p < .06, Cohen’s d = 0.4). Specific improvements in visual processing speed (p < .04) and focus (p < .02) were identified after 40 sessions. Ratings of well-being significantly improved after treatment (p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.8) with 84% of the veterans improving five points or more on the GWBS. Improvements in well-being were found to be significantly correlated with increases in veterans’ overall auditory attention (r = .44, p < .03) and auditory processing speed (r = .57, p < .005).
Read the full publication here.