The goal of academic enhancement is to help students achieve academic success. Utilizing techniques and enhancing the brain’s natural function nurtures the abilities and potential of students.
Neurofeedback Enhances Academic Performance
Neurofeedback for academic enhancement is beneficial for children and teens. Younger students benefits from neurofeedback therapy which strengthens and enhances their brain development. Older students benefits by keeping the brain strong and healthy supporting academic success.
Increased Attention & Focus: Being a good student relies heavily on being able to focus and pay attention during class. Neurofeedback helps improve attention and focus for longer periods of time. Neurofeedback is especially useful for students struggling with ADHD, as it minimizes distractibility.
Improved Memory: Neurofeedback enhances the brain’s ability to retain information for improved recall. This helps students excel academically since recall is essential to student success.
Anxiety Reduction & Mood Improvement: Anxiety and stressors of daily life can weigh on a child. Neurofeedback can lower a child's anxiety and balance mood fluctuations that could negatively affect school performance. Reduced anxiety and improved mood regulation facilitates student success.
Unlike medication, neurofeedback causes minimal to no side effects. The most commonly reported side effect is a feeling of tiredness after a session.